Supporting Learners with Dyslexia
Most educators are familiar with the literacy traits associated with dyslexia but students with such literacy difficulties are also likely to be impacted by a wider range of challenges.
A deeper understanding of these characteristics will help teachers to provided targeted support for those already diagnosed, but will also help them to identify and refer students who may be struggling with undiagnosed dyslexia.
Our Supporting Students with Dyslexia course provides teachers with the knowledge and understanding of the key challenges, and offers evidence-based strategies that help remove barriers to learning and support progress.
Target Audience: SENCos, Teachers, LSAs, Inclusivity Leaders
Course Outline
Session 1: Broadening our understanding Dyslexia
Focus: Recognising and understanding the core traits and wider range of difficulties associated with dyslexia & their impact on learners
- Literacy & memory skills
- Memory deficits & Cognitive Load capacity
- Executive function skills deficits
- Mathematical skills deficits
- Exam performance & academic underachievement
- Mental Health & self-esteem issues
Session 2: Supporting students with Dyslexia
- Practical strategies to takeaway: a menu of techniques designed to support students with dyslexia across the curriculum:
- In class: mainstream evidence-based strategies relevant to dyslexic students
- Improving accessibility through the use of assistive technology
- In exams through preparation, revision techniques & exam access arrangements
- Pastorally – an inclusive whole-school approach
Presenter Profile
Amanda Ross-Scott has had over 15 years’ experience as Head of Learning Support in leading independent schools. A role as psychology assistant in a London hospital working with amputees, patients with brain injuries, and eating disorders fuelled an interest in the neuroscience behind mood and learning.
Post-Graduate training in Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) followed and for the past 20 years, Amanda has provided specialist learning support to pupils and private clients in a wide range of schools and settings, as well as regular whole school CPD/INSET sessions for teachers.
Most recently she was Assistant Head Teacher, Head of Learning Support, DDSL and Wellbeing Lead at Northbridge House school where she spent the past 6 years. In her private practice, she supports young people with learning needs and mental health issues, to overcome their difficulties, recover their self- esteem and confidence, re-engage with their learning, and achieve the grades they need to either continue successfully in further education or on their journey through life.
Cost: £150 per delegate
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