Be Brilliant at Managing Behaviour: Successful Strategies for every teacher
In this online workshop Caroline will provide a wide range of practical strategies and techniques to support teachers to establish great behaviour in their lessons. As an experienced teacher and trainer Caroline shares approaches towards planning lessons to prevent disruption, shares strategies to defuse difficult situations and ways of teaching to enhance your confidence. It’s training that will help ensure that lessons run smoothly, and behaviour problems are quickly resolved. The session will include:
Be brilliant at managing behaviour: Understanding the main issues
- Learn what really works: Unlock the skills of successful classroom management
- Prevent it and pre-empt it: How to ‘behaviour proof’ your teaching
Top Strategies for motivating pupils and resolving behaviour issues
- How to re-establish yourself with a challenging class
- Body language matters: build confidence and improve behaviour
- Practical strategies to stamp out low level disruption
Practical Strategies for creating a positive classroom
- How to create a classroom climate to promote great learning
- Foster a ‘growth mindset’ with pupils to stop fear of failure
- Utilise the best lesson ideas to captivate the class and prevent disruption
Presenter Profile
Caroline Bentley-Davies has been teaching since she was 22 and has coached teachers on behaviour management strategies in hundreds of schools and Pupil Referral Units. Having been a NQT mentor at school and Local Authority level she knows how to help new staff flourish. Her courses are noted for being both practical and inspiring. She coaches and trains staff from a huge range of schools and her courses are noted for having immediate application back in school.
She is the author of six books for teachers. Her latest book ‘Sticky Teaching and Learning: how to make your students remember what you teach them. Her book for teachers ‘How to be an Amazing Teacher’ was reviewed by the TES as a book that is ‘absolutely bursting with tips to transform a good teacher into an amazing one and will make everyone that reads it a better teacher.’
Cost: £150 per delegate
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