Improving Attendance
- How do we persuade pupils of the importance of attendance?
- Have parental work patterns reduced attendance?
- How can we engage with families when the ‘social contract’ appears to be broken?
- How can we communicate with families to support attendance?
- What will ISI or Ofsted expect?
Course outcomes
Booking this course will enable you to understand ways to:
- Explain the research evidence about ‘what works’ to improve attendance.
- Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefit of high attendance.
- Build strong relationships with families to improve attendance.
- Work with governors/trustees to promote attendance.
Clear Approaches and Strategies to improve attendance
This course is practical and interactive. Teachers will leave with a clear set of strategies and interventions to improve their whole school practice which can be disseminated throughout the wider school community.
Course Outline
- Why is attendance so important?
- What are some of the implications of poor attendance?
- How can we work effectively with governors/trustees?
- What does a whole school community approach look like??
Practical applications
- How can we develop a whole school approach?
- How can we communicate this to stakeholders? (including pupils)?
- What does effective day-to-day practice look like?
- How can we build strong relationships with families?
- How do we listen to, and understand barriers to attendance?
- How can we work with families to remove barriers to attendance?
What about ISI and Ofsted?
- What are OFSTED/ISI looking for?
Presenter Profile
John Rees is passionately committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people, through the professional development of individuals and organizations.
Seconded from secondary school leadership, John lead the transformation of a 2-school research project at Exeter University, into an evidence-based, behaviourally-effective, multi-agency wellbeing programme with 200+ schools across the UK and overseas, with unique evidence of health benefit and educational improvement.
Since 2005 John has worked with Local Authorities, schools, charities and commercial groups across the UK and abroad to provide coaching and training, to support school improvement. This is predominantly around R(S)HE / PSHE, behaviour management and SMSC to support school improvement and improve the learning and life chances of children and young people, and the adults who work with, and for, them.
Cost: £150 per delegate
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