The Confident PSHE Teacher
The DfE* have said:
“Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice …”
*PSHE Education (updated September 2021)
PSHE education covers many complex or sensitive issues, and any area of the subject has potential to be sensitive for some pupils. That's why it's so important to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all lessons. This will help to enhance self-esteem and encourage more open discussion. It will also help to make sure that teachers are not anxious about unexpected language use or comments.
Independent schools have long been expected to include PSHE education as part of their curriculum and since September 2020, most of PSHE education became statutory in state funded schools as part of the mandatory expectations of relationships and sex and health education - which is usually abbreviated to R(S)HE – because primary schools have to decide whether they teach sex education.
Although we await the consultation from the DfE expert group on some details about statutory R(S)HE, the fundamentals of PSHE education won’t change.
Many teachers still ask:
- What is the relationship between PSHE education, R(S)HE, SMSC, and “British Values’?
- What does good practice look like in the classroom?
- Should we teach PSHE education just like any other subject?
- How should I go about creating a safe and appropriate learning environment?
- What can, and can’t I say in the classroom?
- How should I respond to challenging questions?
- How can we make up for ‘lost learning’ time?
Course Outcomes
Booking this course will enable you to understand and explain to colleagues:
- The rationale for PSHE
- some practical examples of good pedagogy and practice.
- Responding to challenging questions.
- Improving assessment and reporting
- Linking PSHE education to attainment and school improvement.
Clear Approaches and Strategies to PSHE education
This course is practical and interactive. Teachers will leave with a clear set of strategies and interventions to consolidate their classroom practice and be able to disseminate this through-out the school.
Course Outline
- Why do we teach PSHE education?
- What do we have to teach and how do we know what to teach?
- How does PSHE education contribute to learning and achievement across the curriculum?
- How should we engage with parents?
Practical applications in the classroom
- How should we establish and maintain an appropriate learning environment for children to discuss potentially sensitive topics?
- What are some of the interactive, participatory techniques we can use to develop high-quality learning in PSHE education?
- What is good practice if the children ask challenging questions, or make disclosures?
What does this mean for my teaching?
- How can this improve my teaching across the curriculum?
- How can we make up for ‘lost learning’ time?
- How my children’s learning in PSHE help them in other curriculum areas?
- How does teaching in PSHE education prepare children for the challenges and opportunities of later life?
What about ISI and Ofsted?
- What are OFSTED/ISI looking for?
Presenter Profile
John Rees is passionately committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people, through the professional development of individuals and organizations.
Seconded from secondary school leadership, John lead the transformation of a 2-school research project at Exeter University, into an evidence-based, behaviourally-effective, multi-agency wellbeing programme with 200+ schools across the UK and overseas, with unique evidence of health benefit and educational improvement.
Since 2005 John has worked with Local Authorities, schools, charities and commercial groups across the UK and abroad to provide coaching and training, to support school improvement. This is predominantly around R(S)HE / PSHE, behaviour management and SMSC to support school improvement and improve the learning and life chances of children and young people, and the adults who work with, and for, them.
Cost: £150 per delegate
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