Outstanding Primary Languages Subject Leadership

This course will be online:

  • The session will take place online with webcam and accompanying slides.
  • There will be opportunities for questions as well as some short breakout activities.
  • A copy of slides and all referenced materials will be made available after the session.

This is a one day course split over two days, sessions will be 4pm to 6:30pm on both dates.

Session 1: Ensuring outstanding MFL provision in the primary school

During this session, we will focus on the role of the subject leader for MFL within the primary setting, exploring, evaluating and breaking down the Programme of Study for languages at Key Stage 2.

We will then explore how subject leads can best select (or create) a scheme of work which ensures that all pupils, including those with SEND, are enabled to make substantial progress in one foreign language over time.

Delegates will also examine what progress over the four years of MFL study at Key Stage might look like and how might we monitor and record evidence that pupils are successfully retaining key linguistic and grammatical structures.

Finally, we will consider what makes a successful cross-phase partnership for the purposes of transition.

Session 2: Preparing for an Ofsted Deep Dive

This session is an opportunity to explore what a ‘Deep Dive’ into MFL will look like during an Ofsted Inspection, including a focus on Intent, Implementation and Impact and what these mean in practice.

You will consider the types of documentation that you will need to have to hand during any conversations with inspectors and the kinds of questions you may be asked.

We will also consider how we might go about presenting inspectors with evidence of sustained and substantial progress over the four years of language study at Key Stage 2.

Presenter Profile

Ellie Chettle Cully is a qualified primary school teacher, with a degree in French and Hispanic Studies and over ten years’ experience of teaching in a variety of different roles in several inner-city primaries in Leicester. She is currently a specialist French teacher and Languages and International Lead at Hazel Community Primary School.

Ellie is passionate about creating a buzz around language-learning and creating life-long language learners through engaging and creative MFL lessons, designated curriculum days, international partnerships, trips and extra-curricular clubs. She also runs training on the teaching of primary MFL for specialist and non-specialist teachers alike; works with primary PGCE students at the University of Leicester in the delivery and assessment of MFL; speaks at regional and national conferences; and writes for educational publications.

Cost: £185 per delegate

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