Advanced Marking & Feedback Strategies

Beyond Triple Impact Marking - making marking meaningful, manageable and motivating again!

Just 45 per cent of primary and 44 per cent of secondary teachers have had a review of marking in their school (NEU teachers’ union, 2018 survey)

Discover a range of ideas informed by research that can be used immediately for the benefit of both teachers and their students, to ensure that pupils achieve the highest outcomes.

This course is designed for staff at schools who already understand the benefits of effective marking and feedback who are looking to move away from unhelpful and time-consuming marking processes and return the focus to improving pupil outcomes through feedback.

Course Outline

Expert guide to marking & feedback strategies

  • Current feedback and marking climate, including Ofsted’s & ISI’s perspective
  • What are the issues with Triple Impact Marking and how to move to a more meaningful practice?
  • The research behind ‘effective’ feedback and how to translate this into practice
  • Changing the mindset behind marking
  • Integrating assessment into teachers planning

A practical toolkit of feedback strategies to improve performance

  • Techniques for oral feedback designed to benefit the pupils
  • Ideas for gathering feedback during lessons
  • Strategies for how to respond to feedback within lessons, including how to effectively differentiate for all learners
  • Methods for developing independent learning capabilities
  • Self-feedback: promoting self-regulation and metacognition

If your current approach is unmanageable or disproportionate, stop it and adopt an approach that considers exactly what the marking needs to achieve for pupils (Teacher Workload Review, 2016 ).

Presenter Profile

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Helen Hewlett
is a specialist Assessment & English Associate with JMC Education who has been working with teachers and senior leaders in schools and colleges for many years. Helen is National Group Lead for the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (CIEA) at the University of Hertfordshire supporting Headteachers and senior leaders nationally. Helen also works as a leadership performance coach on the National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) for Senior Leadership, as an assessor on the NPQ for teachers Leading Teaching programme, as a facilitator and mentor on two Leading Literacy programmes and as a mentor on two Leading Behaviour and Culture Programmes.

In addition, Helen works for the University of Surrey on their Area Outreach Programme and Higher Education Outreach Network programme, supporting learners with their GCSEs through the running of large masterclasses and is a member of Ofqual’s panel of experts. Helen works for the Schools Students and Teachers (SSAT) network supporting schools and colleges nationally on their Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) programme.

She has worked on a variety of Outstanding Teaching Learning and Assessment (OTLA) action research projects as a mentor, whilst simultaneously working on Stoke on Trent’s Opportunity Area Programme as their English Consultant across the city.

Helen writes, plans and delivers English Language and Literature Teacher Training nationally to schools and colleges and has previously written and delivered three courses for the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) specifically around assessment in English for resit learners.

Helen also works as a Teacher Trainer and Writer for PiXL and was a Keynote speaker at their Senior Leaders National Conference for post-16 as well as the ME+ conference for post-16 practitioners on the challenges of GCSE English resits. Helen was previously a Principal Examiner at GCSE and A level and was responsible for writing the GCSE English papers for AQA. Lastly, Helen is Chair of Governors at a secondary school in the Midlands.

Feedback from teachers on this course

David Luard, Northcote Lodge School

“Has really helped me confirm how I need to address the marking policy”
Katherine Hyland, Assistant Head, St Anne’s Catholic School for Girls

Cost: £150 per delegate

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