Building Character, Determination & Resilience in Schools
In education we know how to measure IQ – but what if doing well in school (and life) depends on much more than your ability to learn quickly and easily? What we also know is that talent is no guarantee of success – in fact resilience and determination is usually unrelated or even inversely related to measure of talent…
The Importance of Determination
In international research across a wide range of companies – private and public sector workers – into who was most likely to succeed, be promoted, earn the most money, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success – it wasn’t social intelligence, IQ, good looks or physical health – it was determination. The keystones of a successful life: feeling in control; holding on to self-belief; being able to bounce back and being able to channel your anger all need to be taught.
Character Education Prioritised by Ofsted
From September 2019, schools will not be rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ in Personal Development without evidence of building character – including their students'; resilience, confidence, determination and independence and how schools help them understand how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants at all key stages.
Course Outcomes
- Understand and explore OFSTED’ priorities and framework relating to Character Education and how this relates to your school.
- Understand the relationship between pressure and performance, focusing on how low pressure can be as debilitating to learning and performance as very high levels.
- Learn strategies to optimise stress, enabling students to build their personal resilience across four key domains and understand the key components such as emotions, thoughts & beliefs in this.
- A focus on the work of Carol Dweck et al. around Mindset Theory and how Growth Mindset is a self-belief attitude which is symbiotically grown thus creating a positive self-fulfilling cycle within educational achievement.
- Explore how you can develop Growth Mindset in children by developing your own GM.
- Having considered how mindsets ultimately influence success, we examine how a fixed mindset avoids failure at all costs – a determining factor in the often habitual risk averse (and therefore self-limiting) approach of our most able.
- Understand and practical examples of how praise can hinder or foster risk taking, determination & resilience in students.
- Provide the knowledge, confidence and appropriate tools to maximise student wellbeing.
- Leave with a toolkit of practices that serve to enable students to build resilience, confidence and independence.
Presenter Profile
Malcolm Drakes is a leadership consultant with JMC Education who also works with the National Institute of Teaching and Ambition Institute supporting school leadership and delivering National Professional Qualifications.
He has been a Headteacher, Executive Headteacher and National Leader of Education, typically working with schools in disadvantaged communities.
Cost: £150 per delegate
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