Secondary Sex & Relationships & Health Education (RSHE)

This course will be online:-

  • Presenters are presenting via webcam, accompanied by slides and activities
  • Opportunities for delegate questions and comments
  • A copy of the slides will be made available after the course, along with further materials

This is a one day course split over Tuesday 23rd November 4pm to 6:30pm and Tuesday 30th November at 12.30pm to 3.00pm.

What’s new in RSHE?

The Department for Education and Ofsted (and ISI) expect schools to be fully implementing the statutory expectations of Relationships Education and Health Education (R(S)HE) as from September 2021. The DfE have also said that R(S)HE should sit within a wider framework of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education.

Schools are also expected to have provided dedicated CPD to ensure that they meet the expectations of the recently released Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021 to keep children safe from sexual harassment and abuse.

Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education

Since 1st September 2020 it has been a statutory requirement that all secondary schools build on primary-level Relationship education and deliver ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ (SRE) in England. Independent schools have long been expected to teach PSHE and Health Education is also compulsory in all state-funded schools.

  • But what does this statutory duty require a school to cover and how should schools prepare these changes?
  • What are schools required to include in a relationships and sex education programme?
  • How much flexibility will schools have?
  • What content is compulsory?
  • How do schools engage with parents, and what can parents withdraw their child from?
  • A written policy for RSE will become mandatory. But what does a good Relationship and Sex education policy look like?

Why are these changes in SRE being made?

The DfE has said, “Through these subjects, we want to support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe – we want to equip them for adult life and to make a positive contribution to society.”

Attending this course will enable delegates to:

  • Understand the context, principles and practice for teaching high quality Relationship Education
  • Agree what their school’s RSE policy should include and how this links to KCSIE2021
  • Become familiar with exemplar materials and approaches
  • To be equipped to answer questions from learners, colleagues and parents
  • To be confident in working with sensitive issues which can contribute to reducing sexual harassment and abuse
  • Use the practical strategies and schemes of work in school
  • Identify a developmental approach to the topics which need to be studied
  • To experience and share some interactive teaching/learning techniques

Clear Approaches and Strategies

This course is highly practical and interactive. Teachers will leave with a clear set of strategies and interventions which they can adopt in their teaching of SRE.

Course Outline

The statutory requirements

  • What is mandatory and non-statutory?
  • What are we trying to achieve? What is Relationship and Sex Education?
  • What do good policies look like?
  • What flexibility do schools have?
  • Do parents have the right of withdraw?
  • Planning for the changes.
  • What will school inspections look for?

Effective and Engaging Sex and Relationship Education Lessons

  • Essential ingredients of Relationship Education lessons
  • Exploring a Relationship Education model lesson.
  • Effective and engaging strategies to use.

Sex Education

  • What does age-related sex education look like?
  • What topics should secondary schools teach?
  • What should be the content of sex education beyond that found in the science curriculum?

Dealing with sensitive issues

Dealing with questions from pupils and parents

Presenter Profile

John Rees is passionately committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people, through the professional development of individuals and organizations.
Seconded from secondary school leadership, John lead the transformation of a 2-school research project at Exeter University, into an evidence-based, behaviourally-effective, multi-agency wellbeing programme with 200+ schools across the UK and overseas, with unique evidence of health benefit and educational improvement.
Since 2005 John has worked with Local Authorities, schools, charities and commercial groups across the UK and abroad to provide coaching and training, to support school improvement. This is predominantly around R(S)HE / PSHE, behaviour management and SMSC to support school improvement and improve the learning and life chances of children and young people, and the adults who work with, and for, them.

Cost: £250 per delegate; £299 for 2 teachers from the same school booking on this course

Booking Form

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