High Impact Pupil Premium Strategy for disadvantaged pupils

Delivering effective outcomes for our disadvantaged pupils sits right at the heart of the moral purpose for our schools. The Pupil Premium Strategy is the Department for Education’s statutory guidance that supports schools to deliver equitable outcomes for all their pupils.

Pupil Premium Strategy

On 6th September 2021, the DfE released an updated guidance and reporting template for schools outlining the statutory requirements:

  • Schools must use the recovery premium alongside the pupil premium funding and report on the use of them as a single sum in the schools strategy statement
  • Schools must use the DfE template to publish their pupil premium
  • Schools must publish the pupil premium strategy statement by 31 December 2021
  • Schools must demonstrate how your spending decisions are informed by a range of evidence

Now, more than ever, there is sharper focus on how school leaders are using research evidence to inform the implementation of effective strategies to raise the attainment of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Concerns over the impact of the pandemic of disadvantaged pupils

In 2020, the Education Policy Institute released their annual report: Education in England, showed the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers had stopped closing for the first time in a decade, and that disadvantaged pupils in England are 18.1 months of learning behind their peers by the time they finish their GCSEs – the same gap as five years ago. The gap at primary school had increased for the first time since 2007 – which may signal that the gap is set to widen in the future.

Ofsted’s focus on Pupil Premium attainment and spending will continue to play an important part of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF). Inspectors will want to see that the funding is being spent on effective strategies and initiatives and that the school’s leadership is implementing them and will also want to see evidence of its impact.

This course will prepare your senior & middle leaders to plan and prepare for the effective use of the pupil premium budget, whilst meeting all of the statutory guidance, and enable them to implement the latest evidence-based research, that is right for your context.

Course Aims

  • Provide SLT, Middle leaders & governors with the latest insights, research and best practice for delivering an outstanding strategy
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how to address equity within your school community
  • How to develop, implement an effective strategy
  • How to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your pupil premium strategy
  • How to embed the pupil premium strategy within the school’s broader implementation cycle
  • How to identify and audit the needs and challenges facing your disadvantaged pupils
  • How to ensure that all interventions and adopted processes are selected on the best educational evidence

Course Outline

Pupil Premium Statutory Guidance

Making sense of the statutory requirements

  • Recovery Premium
  • Funding
  • Strategy Statement
  • Reporting Template

Creating a strategic overview and developing and delivering an effective strategy

  • The 3-year plan
  • Diagnostic assessment
  • Auditing provision
  • Contextual challenges and needs

The Tiered Approach

  • Quality first teaching
  • Targeted academic support
  • Wider strategies

Gathering and interpreting the Evidence

  • Data – Internal, external & national benchmarks
  • Learning walks, observations, surveys and interviews
  • Integrating evidence with professional judgement

Sustaining, monitoring, and evaluating the impact

  • Keeping on track
  • Scaling the strategy
  • Building the capacity and skills to sustain impact

Presenter Profile

1-836-Marc Cooper.jpg
Marc Cooper has a background in educational leadership, school improvement, professional development and academic research. He has held senior positions in a number of educational institutions, ranging from schools, MATs and universities. Marc was the Research and Development Lead for the largest MAT in Cornwall (CELT) and currently works with the EEF & Research schools as a Regional Implementation lead. He is also an associate fellow at the International Centre for Education Enhancement, at the University of Bolton, leading and collaborating on their international Laboratory Schools programme.

Feedback from teachers on this course

“Making sure we are meeting the statutory requirements for pupil premium is essential, but this course has given real insight into the depth and rigour required to truly meet the needs of pupils”
Laura Hocking, Assistant Headteacher & Pupil Premium Champion, Brannel School

“Learning how to be judicious in our approach to evidence-based practice within our own context has been enlightening and is already improving our practice.”
Craig Hayes, Executive Headteacher, Newquay Junior Academy

“Critical, purposeful and has absolutely helped us shape a more effective approach to supporting our disadvantaged pupils”
Natalie Simmonds, Headteacher, Lostwitheil Primary

Cost: £150 per delegate

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