Developing Positive Strategies for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Schools
From the gap between the performance outcomes of girls and boys and the disproportionate exclusion rates of pupils from specific ethnic backgrounds to the inequality of representation in educational leadership positions, issues of equity, diversity and inclusion impact on multiple areas of school life.
The right to equality is enshrined in the first two articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) which states:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1)
- Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind (Article 2).
Every school has legal obligations to meet the requirements of The Equality Act (2010) and all public sector schools must adhere to the Public Sector Equality Duty. The most effective equality objectives drive the agenda for schools to benefit from improving their EDI work.
What does this course cover?
Building a Positive School Culture of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity: Promoting understanding of The Equality Act (2010) and Public Sector Equality Duty, covering legal frameworks of discrimination and harassment.
Curriculum Matters: Exploring the inclusiveness of school curricula and utilising pupil voice in curriculum planning for inclusion and strategising curriculum change.
Unconscious Bias, Privilege and Allyship: Identifying and addressing barriers to embedding proactive equity, diversity and inclusion and strategies to explore privilege and unconscious bias.
Presenter Profile
Dr Jo Trevenna has over 20 years' experience of educational leadership from early years to post-graduate level. Her ongoing academic interests centre on Leadership and EDI.
Feedback from this course
‘this work supported us with reviewing our compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty and provided useful insights to help support and focus our EDI work'
Lindy Bannis, Assistant Principal, The Stephenson Academy
Cost: £150 per delegate
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