BSUEd Insights

BSUEd Insights is series of evening webinars offering CPD for education practitioners.

This series of ten twilight webinars offers education practitioners evidence-based insights on topics ranging from pupils’ oracy and retrieval skills to student and staff wellbeing.

Scheduled once a month between October 2024 and July 2025, this CPD series will enhance your practice and understanding of current issues in education.

The subscription of £250 per school per year will give webinar access to teachers and teaching support staff in your school.


All sessions take place on Wednesday evenings between 4pm-5.30pm.

This schedule may be subject to minor changes.

  1. 16 October 2024: Getting the kids to read
  2. 27 November 2024: Richer retrieval practice
  3. 18 December 2024: 'Cognitive load' in primary science: a critical look at putting science into practice
  4. 22 January 2025: Enhancing your wellbeing as a primary teacher
  5. 26 February 2025: Fresh ideas on the benefits of mixed age provision in primary schools
  6. 26 March 2025: Purposeful practical work in primary science
  7. 23 April 2025: Helping the kids express themselves
  8. 21 May 2025: Protecting your students – the hidden journey of data and its use by big tech
  9. 25 June 2025: Building a culture of inclusion in 2025 and beyond
  10. 16 July 2025: Helping children to make friends with anger and other emotions
Cost: £250 per school per year will give webinar access to teachers and teaching support staff in your school

Booking Form

The information will be used solely to process your booking. You can see further information on our privacy statement here.

To book your place, please complete the form below:

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